Electromagnetic, Enigmatic, Charismatic, a few characterized words describing the Haitian bombshell DRAKA HUNT. Straight from the roots of Kenscoff "Haiti" comes this rare exotic "pretty pretty monster". Hunt's raw artistic edge and zest for towering are what drove this starlet in pursuit of one of her many dreams of becoming a significant force on the music scene. Female artists (with the exception of a few) have went through the revolving doors of the Haitian music industry , leaving an outstanding void of empowerment to be recognized.
HUNT's management team with their keen scrutinizing eye immediately took notice of such void, decided to take a walk on the HMI runway, bringing flair / eccentric fashion / racy concepts, in addition creating a brand new sound referred to as "Pop Crompas" to the industry.
August/2010 Draka Hunt released her debut promo video titled "Draka has arrived" with video director Justin Dorelas, has received a strong positive feedback instantly winning a larger fan base. When asked to describe the video, Draka said, " Edgy, dark, sexy.My manager /creative director helped shaped the creative direction for the video ". Currently working on her first single "Luxe" featuring Porsha E. (one of the most recognized voices in the HMI) is slated for release this year. With statements such as: "Don't compare me to any that has ever walked before me"...leaves many with an insatiable curiosity as to what DRAKA HUNT will next unleash!